Soil Ameliorants
Soil ameliorants are used to correct chemical imbalances in the soil. Damara Bio-Agri offers a range of micronized and granulated products, chosen for their effectiveness and efficiency. Please consult your agronomist to check the compatibility of below soil ameliorants with other agrochemical products.
Description: Micronized and granulated calcitic lime for rapid and sustained pH correction.
Active Ingredients: Calcitic Lime
Crops: All crops – dependent on soil type and pH levels
Downloads: MicroCal Flyer
Description: Micronized and granulated dolomitic lime for rapid and sustained pH correction
Active Ingredients: Dolomitic Lime
Crops: All crops – dependent on soil pH levels, physical and chemical structure
Description: Micronized and granulated gypsum applied for a source of calcium and an available source of sulphate.
Active Ingredients: Gypsum
Crops: All crops – dependent on soil nutrient levels
Downloads: MicroGyp Flyer
Description: Liquid source of calcium, and nitrogen that assists in floccular.
Active Ingredients: Nitrogen, Calcium, Fulvic Acid
Crops: All crops – check with your agronomist as to the compatibility of products.
Downloads: Dekompakt Pamphlet.