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Rootsure Max and the benefits of using specific strains of endophytic Trichoderma’s

Rootsure Max for Maize was a product introduced into the market, by Damara Bio-Agri at the beginning of the 2020 summer cropping season. It is a biological inoculant applied to maize seed, to work as a replacement for, or in conjunction with, other agrochemical inoculants.

It is composed of two distinctly unique products, SabrEx, an endophytic Trichoderma based powdered product, and Digital, an Ascophyllum kelp based liquid product. These two products were designed to be used in conjunction with one another as a biological inoculant treatment in either a wet or dry application method.

This raises the question, “What is Trichoderma, and why is Rootsure different?”

Respectively speaking, Trichoderma’s can best be described as a genus of fungi with several strains in which majority are opportunistic plant symbionts, meaning they tend to have mutual endophytic relationships with several plant species. What makes a specific strain of Trichoderma inherently unique in a particular circumstance is the crop specificness of that strain. Crop specific Trichoderma’s will have more effect on the crop as opposed to general applications of Trichoderma, which inherently will translate to a healthier, more diverse soil.

This is why Rootsure Max for Maize is so special. Rootsure Max contains a product that consists of three different strains of endophytic Trichoderma, all specific and applicable to maize – called SabrEx. It also contains a product which is made up of Ascophyllum kelp and non-living metabolites of Trichoderma Spp – Digital. The combination of SabrEx and Digital is most certainly the solution, as Rootsure Max for Maize provides the most elusive relationship in promoting plant growth and superiority, supporting the maize plant throughout its life-cycle in terms of pathogen suppression and growth promotion.

This is evident in the image below showing a young maize plant previously coated with Rootsure Max for Maize with a  clear and evident strong, well-developed root system. The importance of building big roots was discussed in our previous blog posts, but as a recap, it can be argued that a strong healthy root system tends to be synonymous with a high yield.

For more information on Rootsure Max for Maize please get in contact with us using our contact page on our website.