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Small-Scale Success Story | Fountains Farm

We are excited to share with you yet another small-scale success story.

William Madudike is managing a small-scale project in Shangani, growing 600 square meters of tomatoes.
He approached Damara Bio-Agri in the face of rising fertilizer costs and the inability to find compost with the aim of using a product called Rootsure to stimulate biological activity in the soil.

Rootsure is a combination product, containing Biocult SC, Trichoderma mycorrhizae, and Qwemikelp, an Ascophyllum kelp that contains valuable plant necessary micronutrients.

We are delighted to share his success story with you in the testimonial below.

“I bought my Qwemikelp and Biocult SC combination last year in August after I couldn’t secure compost to use on the trenches inside the greenhouse for my tomato crop.

We normally put compost without fail in those fertility trenches as we know that our crop will need to be sustained for a longer period and fertilization
becomes more and more expensive along the way.
So, when I could not get the compost, I opted to use your Rootsure (Qwemikelp and Biocult Sc) as I felt it would activate a whole world of bioactivity in my soil, help nutrient access, phosphorous solubilization, and the likes. I took the liberty to replace compost with Rootsure by spraying it in three layers of soil, spraying on layers 10 cm apart in a 30 cm deep trench. I also put my inorganic basal fertilizer and then planted my seedlings.

Small Scale Success Story - Damara Bio Agri

Three to four months later, the tomatoes are outperforming previous ones I did with compost, they reached peak harvest just after three first harvests.
This is on the background of a series of three water stress events due to Zesa faults that cumulatively amounted to 21 days of no water. In those water stress days, the plants did not show severe wilting signs even though they were in the hot greenhouse in summer.

The yield did not reduce on the subsequent harvest and the disease did not rapidly spread.

I always get shocked with every harvest that comes. It beats my expectations.”