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Sampling Services

Our sampling services allow you to better understand the chemical and biological make up of the soil, leaves and water that you have.

We also have a selection of scientifically backed products that can assist you in obtaining the best soil for farming. 

sampling services soil sampling

Soil Sampling

Soil Sample Analysis is the first step in understanding the biological and chemical makeup of your soil. This allows you to identify the limiting factors allowing for prescriptive fertilizer blends tailored to what your soil needs. 

sampling services leaf sampling

Leaf Sampling

Leaf Analysis is the second tool, after soil sample analysis, to allow you to improve critical points of nutrition and yield. Leaf Sample Analysis identifies how well the plants have utilised the soil and applied nutrients. 

sampling services water sampling

Water Sampling

The importance of water sampling is critical. Understanding something as small as the pH of your water can have a significant effect on your crop chemicals efficiency.