A six-step how-to guide on maintaining your winter garden. With winter on its way, now is the perfect time to start preparing your garden for the cooler days. The good…Continue reading6 step to maintaining your winter garden
We are excited to share with you yet another small-scale success story. William Madudike is managing a small-scale project in Shangani, growing 600 square meters of tomatoes.He approached Damara Bio-Agri…Continue readingSmall-Scale Success Story | Fountains Farm
Many cropping areas are significantly affected by soil acidity which occurs as a result of constant cropping, loss of organic carbon, the leaching of nutrients, and the misuse and overuse…Continue readingSoil Acidity and Amelioration
An insurance policy for your crop Soil health is the foundation on which profitable and productive agricultural systems are built. This being said, soil is a critical and complex ecosystem…Continue readingRootsure Max for Maize
Building Better Soils and Bigger Roots. Most farming enterprizes have been exposed to declining profitability over the past decade. A whole array of factors have been eating into the profit…Continue readingBuilding Better Soils and Bigger Roots.